We provide GPS tracking softwares includeing Web-based GPS tracking system and PC-Based GPS tracking software. We also can make the GPS tracking softaware according to your requirements.
This is an easy operation system for vehicle fleet management through the GPS tracking technology. The (AVL) automatic vehicle locator system works as a fleet manager when interfaced with a web map you can locate your vehicles live and watch where they go. This system can remotely locate all your vehicles, anywhere all over the country, and you can monitor your field operatives and manage them from the confines of your office on your computer.
Main functions:
1. Live track all devices: You can track see all of your cars on the map at the some time.
2. Mapinfo mapping: This system works with google map and google earth, but if you want to add your local map, it is also ok, the format of the map has to be mapinfo map (gst or gis ).
3. Virtual earth: Microsoft google earth
4. Location history: You can see the location history via this option, also can print the history(history report function).
5. Device Setup:
1) Add/delete/edit tracker.
2) Control panel:
A: Allow the car moving (You can make the car move again after you stop it here)
B. Stop the car moving (You can stop the car via this website remotely)
C. Time control to stop the car: This function can be especially for the car rental companies, you can program the time you want to stop the car. For example, you want to stop the car after 5 hours, then you can program the time via this time control panel, when 5 hours is up, the car will be stopped automatically.
6. Alert Setup( Alarming setup): After setting up alarming for the trackers, once there is alarming, you can see alarming signal on the location and hear alarming voice via the computer.
1) Arriving location/Leaving location: This is geo-fence alarming, after setting geo-fence alarming, once the tracker is out of the fence you set, the centre can get alarming
2) Speeding Alert: Over speed alarming setting.
3) Panic: SOS alarming, also can be called emergency alarming. Both of vehicle tracker and personal tracker have SOS button, people press this button to make the tracker send out SOS alarming to the centre or preset contact mobile phone number.
4) Refresh list: Fresh the record of the devices alert setting.
5) Notification Phone: You can set the alarming phone number here, once there is alarming, the system can send alarming notification to the phone(Via SMS).
7. My account:
1) Basic information: Tracker users can enter basic information of themselves here.
2) Change password: Tracker users can change the password to login tracking centre.
8. User setup: Login ID management, Add/Delete/Edit user login ID here.
9. User Group: User group management. For example, A company who has 3 big car rental company clients(let is call them B, C, D), sure each car rental company has more than 1 car. We can give A an admin login ID(also can be called admin account), so A can set up user group login ID for his clients(B, C and D), B, C and D can add all of their trackers here to track all of their cars.
A can see all of his clients' cars under his admin account, and his clients(B, C and D) can see their own cars under their own accounts only.
Note: When we give tracker user login ID(account), it has something to do with the permission, it can be admin account and user account. Admin account users can set up more login ID or user groups, and user account users can add trackers under their accounts only.
10. Mileage calculation: How far the car goes, you can see data via this panel, also get report.
11. View Oil Charts: Monitor fuel level of the car or oil tank. You can see oil chart there and get history data report.

This is an easy operation system for vehicle fleet management through the GPS tracking technology. The (AVL) automatic vehicle locator system works as a fleet manager when interfaced with a web map you can locate your vehicles live and watch where they go. This system can remotely locate all your vehicles, anywhere all over the country, and you can monitor your field operatives and manage them from the confines of your office on your computer.
Main functions:
1. Live track all devices: You can track see all of your cars on the map at the some time.
2. Mapinfo mapping: This system works with google map and google earth, but if you want to add your local map, it is also ok, the format of the map has to be mapinfo map (gst or gis ).
3. Virtual earth: Microsoft google earth
4. Location history: You can see the location history via this option, also can print the history(history report function).
5. Device Setup:
1) Add/delete/edit tracker.
2) Control panel:
A: Allow the car moving (You can make the car move again after you stop it here)
B. Stop the car moving (You can stop the car via this website remotely)
C. Time control to stop the car: This function can be especially for the car rental companies, you can program the time you want to stop the car. For example, you want to stop the car after 5 hours, then you can program the time via this time control panel, when 5 hours is up, the car will be stopped automatically.
6. Alert Setup( Alarming setup): After setting up alarming for the trackers, once there is alarming, you can see alarming signal on the location and hear alarming voice via the computer.
1) Arriving location/Leaving location: This is geo-fence alarming, after setting geo-fence alarming, once the tracker is out of the fence you set, the centre can get alarming
2) Speeding Alert: Over speed alarming setting.
3) Panic: SOS alarming, also can be called emergency alarming. Both of vehicle tracker and personal tracker have SOS button, people press this button to make the tracker send out SOS alarming to the centre or preset contact mobile phone number.
4) Refresh list: Fresh the record of the devices alert setting.
5) Notification Phone: You can set the alarming phone number here, once there is alarming, the system can send alarming notification to the phone(Via SMS).
7. My account:
1) Basic information: Tracker users can enter basic information of themselves here.
2) Change password: Tracker users can change the password to login tracking centre.
8. User setup: Login ID management, Add/Delete/Edit user login ID here.
9. User Group: User group management. For example, A company who has 3 big car rental company clients(let is call them B, C, D), sure each car rental company has more than 1 car. We can give A an admin login ID(also can be called admin account), so A can set up user group login ID for his clients(B, C and D), B, C and D can add all of their trackers here to track all of their cars.
A can see all of his clients' cars under his admin account, and his clients(B, C and D) can see their own cars under their own accounts only.
Note: When we give tracker user login ID(account), it has something to do with the permission, it can be admin account and user account. Admin account users can set up more login ID or user groups, and user account users can add trackers under their accounts only.
10. Mileage calculation: How far the car goes, you can see data via this panel, also get report.
11. View Oil Charts: Monitor fuel level of the car or oil tank. You can see oil chart there and get history data report.